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Specialized work that involves a precise and personalized diagnosis, presenting the ideal specifications for each situation.

Ideal for services related to the Building Performance Standard, where we evaluate acoustic, lighting and thermal issues, for example.

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The complete solution for more complex designs, where there are technical boards with plans, cuts, specific details and descriptive memorial.


Ideal for environments such as Theaters and Studios.


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Audium exclusively offers a Warranty

Quality after design delivery

The complete solution for projects (calculations, simulations, specifications, plans and sections) with systems that do not require details, as they are materials with standardized installation. It reduces working time and, with it, the cost of the service.


Ideal for Offices, Hospitals and Schools.


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Audium exclusively offers a Warranty

Quality after design delivery


It consists of the implementation and alignment of audio and video systems, seeking to meet the premises of the Executive Project.  


ideal for  demands of  all types of projects where AV systems are needed.

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When it is possible to solve without a project and it can be carried out in technical visits or in meetings, where we will evaluate in a specific way,  issues of insulation or acoustic conditioning.


Ideal for specific acoustic problems, where the professional or client needs specialist support, such as the definition of a frame, wall or coating.

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When it is necessary to carry out sound measurements and issue noise reports.

Ideal for cases where there are complaints from the neighborhood or to obtain a license for sound use.

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Computer simulation of environmental noise propagation, using Cadna A software.


Ideal for assessing noise pollution generated by industrial, automobile and music festivals, as well as creating acoustic maps of cities simulating road, rail and air traffic noise.

Ideal for consulting on Building Performance Standards and environmental impact studies.


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We offer knowledge in our areas of activity in a dynamic and applied way with an exclusive methodology.


Ideal for team training, or as part of an event to attract customers and partners, or as a complement to the curriculum of an educational institution.

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